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8927 Blue Grass Road Philadelphia, PA 19152 215-800-0224 Mon-Sat 9 a.m – 8 p.m Cash, check, all cc. In the Pennsylvania area, you have thousands of dealerships to choose from. Most people make the mistake of simply searching for a “used car dealerships near me” and end up trusting the wrong used car dealer blindly. We believe that what separates us is a pretty simple formula but makes all the difference: We’re honest, practical, patient, and put simply, we really know our stuff. Whether you’re ready to buy today or just have a question you’d like answered by an honest expert, give our team a call. We’ll walk you through the pros and cons, give you an unbiased car comparison, or just help you know you’re making a great choice for your family. Contact our team now at 215-800-0224.

Cheap Cars For Sale


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